Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty

(Part of jarzt's Collection)

(302 total cards collected)

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Boseiju, Who Endures
$31.63 (foil)

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← Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Variants Commander Collection: Black →

Ancestral Katana
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Ao, the Dawn Sky
$0.75 ($2.37 foil)

Banishing Slash
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Befriending the Moths // Imperial Moth
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Blade-Blizzard Kitsune
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Born to Drive
$0.01 ($0.18 foil)

Brilliant Restoration
$0.50 ($1.79 foil)

Cloudsteel Kirin
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.33 foil)

Dragonfly Suit
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Eiganjo Exemplar
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Era of Enlightenment // Hand of Enlightenment
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

The Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of Konda
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
$3.82 ($6.17 foil)

Go-Shintai of Shared Purpose
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.26 foil)

Golden-Tail Disciple
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Hotshot Mechanic
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.26 foil)

Imperial Oath
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Imperial Recovery Unit
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Imperial Subduer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Intercessor's Arrest
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Invoke Justice
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.27 foil)

Kitsune Ace
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($0.22 foil)

Light the Way
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.62 ($3.94 foil)

Lion Sash
$0.95 ($2.65 foil)

Lucky Offering
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

March of Otherworldly Light
$0.20 ($1.06 foil)

Michiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.23 foil)

Mothrider Patrol
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Norika Yamazaki, the Poet
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Regent's Authority
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Repel the Vile
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

The Restoration of Eiganjo // Architect of Restoration
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.34 foil)

Selfless Samurai
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Seven-Tail Mentor
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Sky-Blessed Samurai
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Spirited Companion
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.35 foil)

Sunblade Samurai
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Touch the Spirit Realm
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($4.38 foil)

Wanderer's Intervention
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

The Wandering Emperor
x0 (+1 foils)
$4.89 ($7.40 foil)

When We Were Young
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Acquisition Octopus
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Anchor to Reality
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.26 foil)

Armguard Familiar
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Awakened Awareness
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Behold the Unspeakable // Vision of the Unspeakable
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Covert Technician
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Discover the Impossible
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Disruption Protocol
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Essence Capture
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Futurist Operative
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Futurist Sentinel
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Go-Shintai of Lost Wisdom
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.30 foil)

Guardians of Oboro
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Inventive Iteration // Living Breakthrough
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.21 foil)

Invoke the Winds
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($0.16 foil)

Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant
$6.50 ($8.91 foil)

Kairi, the Swirling Sky
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.35 ($0.77 foil)

March of Swirling Mist
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.79 ($2.45 foil)

Mindlink Mech
$0.04 ($0.16 foil)

Mirrorshell Crab
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Mnemonic Sphere
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Mobilizer Mech
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.34 foil)

The Modern Age // Vector Glider
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Moon-Circuit Hacker
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.23 foil)

Moonfolk Puzzlemaker
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Moonsnare Prototype
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Moonsnare Specialist
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Network Disruptor
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Planar Incision
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($2.38 foil)

Prosperous Thief
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.29 foil)

The Reality Chip
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.00 ($3.38 foil)

Reality Heist
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Replication Specialist
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Saiba Trespassers
$0.01 ($0.03 foil)

Short Circuit
$0.01 ($0.03 foil)

Skyswimmer Koi
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Spell Pierce
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.08 ($0.44 foil)

Suit Up
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Tameshi, Reality Architect
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.42 foil)

Tamiyo's Compleation
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh
$0.23 ($0.90 foil)

Thirst for Knowledge
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Thousand-Faced Shadow
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.50 ($1.71 foil)

Assassin's Ink
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Biting-Palm Ninja
$0.05 ($0.51 foil)

Blade of the Oni
$0.24 ($1.25 foil)

Chainflail Centipede
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Clawing Torment
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Debt to the Kami
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Dockside Chef
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.29 foil)

Dokuchi Shadow-Walker
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Dokuchi Silencer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.21 foil)

Enormous Energy Blade
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Go-Shintai of Hidden Cruelty
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.25 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.21 foil)

Inkrise Infiltrator
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Invoke Despair
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.29 foil)

Junji, the Midnight Sky
$0.50 ($1.78 foil)

Kaito's Pursuit
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Kami of Restless Shadows
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Kami of Terrible Secrets
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Leech Gauntlet
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Lethal Exploit
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Life of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of Toshiro
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

The Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's Reach
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Malicious Malfunction
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

March of Wretched Sorrow
$0.08 ($0.40 foil)

Mukotai Ambusher
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Mukotai Soulripper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion
$0.45 ($1.70 foil)

Nezumi Bladeblesser
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Nezumi Prowler
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.08 ($0.22 foil)

Okiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road Captain
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Okiba Salvage
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Reckoner Shakedown
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Reckoner's Bargain
$0.18 ($1.26 foil)

Return to Action
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Soul Transfer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Tatsunari, Toad Rider
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.21 foil)

Tribute to Horobi // Echo of Death's Wail
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.08 ($0.62 foil)

Twisted Embrace
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Undercity Scrounger
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Unforgiving One
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Virus Beetle
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.26 foil)

You Are Already Dead
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Akki Ember-Keeper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Akki Ronin
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Akki War Paint
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Ambitious Assault
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Atsushi, the Blazing Sky
x0 (+1 foils)
$3.75 ($7.04 foil)

Bronzeplate Boar
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Crackling Emergence
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Dragonspark Reactor
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.21 foil)

Experimental Synthesizer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.50 foil)

Explosive Entry
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Explosive Singularity
$0.09 ($0.37 foil)

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki
$4.97 ($9.55 foil)

Flame Discharge
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Gift of Wrath
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Go-Shintai of Ancient Wars
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.28 foil)

Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.60 ($0.86 foil)

Heiko Yamazaki, the General
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Invoke Calamity
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.08 ($0.21 foil)

Ironhoof Boar
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Kami of Industry
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Kami's Flare
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Kindled Fury
$0.01 ($0.02 foil)

Kumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of Kumano
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.23 foil)

Lizard Blades
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.00 ($7.53 foil)

March of Reckless Joy
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.25 foil)

Ogre-Head Helm
$0.03 ($0.20 foil)

Peerless Samurai
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Rabbit Battery
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.07 ($0.30 foil)

Reinforced Ronin
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.19 foil)

Scrap Welder
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.43 foil)

Scrapyard Steelbreaker
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Seismic Wave
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

The Shattered States Era // Nameless Conqueror
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Simian Sling
$0.01 ($0.18 foil)

Sokenzan Smelter
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Tempered in Solitude
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Thundering Raiju
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.23 foil)

Towashi Songshaper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

Twinshot Sniper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.30 foil)

Unstoppable Ogre
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Upriser Renegade
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Voltage Surge
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

Azusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the Seeker
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Bamboo Grove Archer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Bearer of Memory
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Blossom Prancer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Boon of Boseiju
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Boseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of Boseiju
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Careful Cultivation
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Coiling Stalker
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Commune with Spirits
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

The Dragon-Kami Reborn // Dragon-Kami's Egg
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.26 foil)

Fade into Antiquity
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Fang of Shigeki
$0.02 ($0.18 foil)

Favor of Jukai
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Generous Visitor
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Geothermal Kami
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Go-Shintai of Boundless Vigor
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.27 foil)

Grafted Growth
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Greater Tanuki
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Harmonious Emergence
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Heir of the Ancient Fang
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Historian's Wisdom
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Invoke the Ancients
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Jugan Defends the Temple // Remnant of the Rising Star
$0.46 ($1.71 foil)

Jukai Preserver
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.08 foil)

Jukai Trainee
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.03 foil)

Kami of Transience
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.26 foil)

Kappa Tech-Wrecker
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Kodama of the West Tree
$14.00 ($16.94 foil)

Kura, the Boundless Sky
$1.00 ($3.59 foil)

March of Burgeoning Life
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Master's Rebuke
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.26 foil)

Orochi Merge-Keeper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Roaring Earth
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.07 ($0.36 foil)

Season of Renewal
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Shigeki, Jukai Visionary
$0.21 ($0.52 foil)

Spinning Wheel Kick
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Spring-Leaf Avenger
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.27 foil)

$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Tales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living Legacy
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Tamiyo's Safekeeping
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.50 ($7.65 foil)

Teachings of the Kirin // Kirin-Touched Orochi
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Weaver of Harmony
$0.36 ($1.56 foil)

Webspinner Cuff
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Asari Captain
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Colossal Skyturtle
$0.06 ($4.96 foil)

Eiganjo Uprising
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Enthusiastic Mechanaut
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($7.10 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.22 foil)

Greasefang, Okiba Boss
$0.05 ($0.33 foil)

Hidetsugu Consumes All // Vessel of the All-Consuming
$0.24 ($0.69 foil)

Hinata, Dawn-Crowned
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.22 foil)

Invigorating Hot Spring
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.29 foil)

Isshin, Two Heavens as One
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.00 ($3.57 foil)

Jukai Naturalist
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.30 foil)

Kaito Shizuki
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.10 ($2.57 foil)

The Kami War // O-Kagachi Made Manifest
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.75 ($2.17 foil)

Kotose, the Silent Spider
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Naomi, Pillar of Order
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Oni-Cult Anvil
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.34 foil)

Prodigy's Prototype
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.15 foil)

Raiyuu, Storm's Edge
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.37 foil)

Risona, Asari Commander
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Satoru Umezawa
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.48 foil)

Satsuki, the Living Lore
$0.05 ($0.35 foil)

Silver-Fur Master
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.43 foil)

Spirit-Sister's Call
$0.05 ($0.30 foil)

Tamiyo, Compleated Sage
$0.44 ($0.93 foil)

Automated Artificer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Bronze Cudgels
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Brute Suit
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Circuit Mender
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.31 foil)

Containment Construct
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.22 ($4.93 foil)

Dramatist's Puppet
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Eater of Virtue
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.40 foil)

Ecologist's Terrarium
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

High-Speed Hoverbike
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.21 foil)

Iron Apprentice
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Mechtitan Core
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.17 ($0.36 foil)

Mirror Box
$1.50 ($3.16 foil)

Network Terminal
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Ninja's Kunai
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Papercraft Decoy
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Patchwork Automaton
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.87 foil)

Reckoner Bankbuster
$0.40 ($1.30 foil)

Reito Sentinel
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Runaway Trash-Bot
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Searchlight Companion
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.11 foil)

Shrine Steward
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Surgehacker Mech
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.19 foil)

Thundersteel Colossus
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Towashi Guide-Bot
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Walking Skyscraper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Bloodfell Caves
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Blossoming Sands
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.18 foil)

Boseiju, Who Endures
x0 (+1 foils)
$23.00 ($31.63 foil)

Dismal Backwater
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.18 foil)

Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
x0 (+1 foils)
$3.00 ($4.87 foil)

Jungle Hollow
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Mech Hangar
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.13 ($0.48 foil)

Otawara, Soaring City
$14.53 ($19.94 foil)

Roadside Reliquary
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.31 foil)

Rugged Highlands
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.17 foil)

Scoured Barrens
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.19 foil)

Secluded Courtyard
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.46 foil)

Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.74 ($1.45 foil)

Swiftwater Cliffs
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.18 foil)

Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
x0 (+1 foils)
$4.72 ($7.80 foil)

Thornwood Falls
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Tranquil Cove
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Uncharted Haven
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Wind-Scarred Crag
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Plains (283)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.13 foil)

Plains (284)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.12 foil)

Island (285)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.12 foil)

Island (286)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Swamp (287)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.07 ($0.15 foil)

Swamp (288)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.22 foil)

Mountain (289)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.14 foil)

Mountain (290)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.15 foil)

Forest (291)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Forest (292)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.14 foil)

Plains (293)
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.50 ($3.50 foil)

Plains (294)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.55 ($2.36 foil)

Island (295)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.83 ($2.73 foil)

Island (296)
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.44 ($3.49 foil)

Swamp (297)
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.94 ($4.48 foil)

Swamp (298)
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.50 ($5.00 foil)

Mountain (299)
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.50 ($4.26 foil)

Mountain (300)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.64 ($3.89 foil)

Forest (301)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.68 ($2.87 foil)

Forest (302)
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.00 ($2.86 foil)
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